Save Money and the Environment with an Electric Car that Fits Your Budget
“Hybrids have been around for a while, but electric cars, some that also use gasoline on occasion, are the wave of the future. It used to be that such vehicles were reserved for the wealthy because of the hefty price tags and lack of availability. However, not large vehicle manufactures are mass producing some electric cars so that they are in the range of most buyers. These cars get shockingly high gas mileage, sometimes over 100 MPG, and no longer require an overnight charge for just a few hours of driving.
The Nissan Leaf, available at Nissan of Victorville, is one of the most popular and affordable electric cars. The Leaf gets an amazing 129 MPG and has a quick charge option. While being compact, it still offers 107 horsepower, making it good for city driving. It also comes with an in-dash navigation system and a leather interior. It has many great safety features such as stability control. With a base model coming in at just under $30,000 it is well within the range of the average consumer. Find out more about the Nissan leaf at NissanofVictorville.com.
The Chevy Volt uses a combination gas and electric engine and also has staggering gas mileage at a combined 93 MPG with some drivers being able to go up to 900 miles between fill ups. It comes in at just under $40,000 and offers many great features such as OnStar and a premium sound system with satellite radio. It comes with a standard fabric interior with heated front seats and a touch screen navigation system along with the OnStar.
The Ford Focus Electric also boasts over 100 MPG and has typical compact features such as a voice activated navigation and entertainment system, a choice of cloth or leather seating, heated front seats and a Sony stereo system. This electric car comes in at a little over $35,000 for the standard model and is also very affordable for most consumers. The Ford Focus Electric also comes with such standard safety features as stability control.