3 Tips for Restoring Historic Homes in Denver
Denver, Colorado is a relatively new city when compared to the rest of the United States. It was first settled in the mid-nineteenth century as a gold-mining town. Many affluent families built homes there and many of those homes exist today in the historic areas of Denver’s downtown. If you’re lucky you can find one of these properties at a steal but it may require some extensive updates and remodeling. Should you purchase one, here are a few tips for updating your home.
1. Be Aware of Harmful Contaminants
Though historic homes provide character and charm, there are always dangers associated with purchasing an older property. You’ll want to have someone inspect the home for asbestos, and if you decide to paint be sure to rent professional grade respiratory protection Denver Co to protect against any flakes of old paint that may come loose. Lead paint poisoning is one of the biggest health hazards of historic home ownership.
2. Historic Designation
If your home is eligible for historic designation, this could open up opportunities to access grant money that could help with your restoration costs. The only catch is, you’ll be required to preserve the home as close to its original layout and design as possible.
3. Keep Original Windows
One of the first tasks many new old home owners do is update the windows. However, newer windows don’t last as long as old windows. If you have wood windows they will likely outlast a newer plastic window on which the seals will fail and the plastic parts will break, making them irreparable. Simply add weatherstripping to the old windows and update the exterior storm windows. The old windows provide a historic aesthetic that is difficult to replicate.
Restoring older homes is exciting as you see your careful planning come to fruition. Just remember to practice safety as you stir up old toxic dust and paint particles, and keep the original charm of your home in tact as much as is possible.