How to Make the Most Out of Your Vacation With your Family

Time is fleeting and most of it is spent behind the desk, in the air conditioned world of the rat race, waiting for 5 o’clock so you can go home, drink a glass of bourbon, and wait for the appropriate time to go to bed so that you can escape the world even if just for a precious few hours. Once you’ve worked enough, you’ll have earned some vacation time, and what better way to do it than take the family out of town. It might seem like a big bummer and a big ordeal, but a family vacation can actually be a blast, and here’s how to ensure that it is.

1. It’s all About the Delicious Food


Everyone knows that the easiest way to disrupt a time out with the family is to let them get hungry, or hangry, and start complaining about nothing, with no chance of reprieve until the whole family hates each other and everyone wants to just go back to the hotel and sulk. Don’t let that happen. Usually what causes this is the indecision of knowing where to go and trying to agree on something, while you are all unreasonably hangry. That’s why it’s a good idea to do some research ahead of time and map out a few places you definitely want to hit up. That way, when it’s time to eat, you will have a game plan and won’t succumb to the rages of hangriness. Asking locals whom you know on Facebook never hurts – everyone has an opinion they’ll want to share!

2. Why Drive Your Own Car When You Can Rent One


Remember, when you fly, you’re leaving your car behind. You will be at the whim of the public transportation system, which if you’re going to Los Angeles, for example, will be a nightmare. With the affordability of the cars at a bulk rental place like you have no excuse to not rent yourself a good family vehicle. Look at and see that cars are cheap. That way you can do all the touristy activities you and your family want without being restricted by an unknown transportation system. Plus it’s fun to have a rental car, it’s a chance to live in someone else’s shoes for a moment or two and have that new car smell without the monthly payments.

3. Don’t Over-Schedule Your Vacation


There’s so much to do in this new location so why not try to do everything? The biggest mistake families make when travelling to a new town on vacation is wanting to do too much. Many of the things you want to see will be there the next time, or you will live without seeing them. If you try to cram too much into your itinerary, not only will you be tired and stressed out, but the things you do see won’t be as enjoyable. Make sure there’s plenty of time for just relaxing or strolling around the downtown market district. You must have time to smell the roses and soak in the new city. You want to get an impression of it, and stressing out about seeing every “must see” is a good way of having a terrible vacation.

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