Choosing Your First Electric Bicycle
Whether you have been a dedicated bike enthusiast for years or are looking to purchase your first set of wheels, electric bicycles, or e-bikes, are growing in popularity. With so many brands and styles to choose from, deciding to purchase your first electric bicycle alberta ca can be a bit overwhelming.
The first thing to think about as you are making your decision is what you plan to do with your bike. Where will you ride? If you plan to ride off-road, you will want to look at mountain bikes. Not only are these great for trails, but they can be used on pavement and for commuting, too. If you will be sticking to streets and paved bike trails, a cruiser is what you are looking for. Cruisers tend to have larger tires and wider seats for extra comfort while commuting. Road bikes are more stream-lined than cruisers. If you need to haul a load, electric cargo bikes are just the ticket. They can pull a small cart or carry tools or produce on racks.
Electric bicycles come in two types: pedal assist and power on command. Pedal assist bikes, as their name implies have motors that require the rider to pedal in order to get the motor started. Power on command do not. When you want to use the motor, you simply press the throttle, like a motorbike, and off you go. Depending upon the amount you use the motor, e-bikes can run for 15-60 miles on one charge. There are also retrofitting kits to add a motor to an existing bike.
You can get an electric bicycle in a wide range of prices beginning at $300 to $500 and up into the thousands. It all depends on the size and placement of the motor as well as various accessories. While e-bikes cost more than standard bicycles, they are still less expensive than a car.
The electric bicycle is the transport of the future. Check one out today.