Stay Safe on the Road
Wherever you travel or commute, you need to know how to drive safely, especially on major highways. With faster driving speeds and often more traffic, driving challenges tend to increase significantly. Take advantage of reminders from insurance companies, road and automobile experts, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to increase your ability to drive on freeways and major highways.
Adjust Your Speed
The posted speed limit is the maximum speed you should travel on a given road. However, you can and should adjust your speed when road conditions are not optimal. For example, if there’s rain, snow, construction, or heavy traffic, it’s okay to slow down. Speeding is a dangerous habit that puts everyone at risk.
Back Away From the Car in Front of You
Tailgating, unless it involves a barbecue, is an annoying driving habit that puts other drivers on edge and presents serious risks for you and your passengers. The recommended distance between yourself and the auto in front of you should be at least three seconds. Again, you may want to increase that distance when road conditions require it.
Respect the Rules of the Road
Do you know the difference between yellow lines and white? Can you explain what dotted lines, single lines, and double lines mean on the highway? These tools and other highway safety services, including guardrails, are there to keep motorists safe. Treat them with respect to avoid trouble on the road.
Draw Attention to Yourself
Your ability to see the road, other automobiles, and your surrounding environment is crucial to your ability to drive safely. The same is true for other drivers. Turn on your headlights before the sun sets and use them when it’s raining or if other conditions reduce visibility.
Stay Awake and Alert
Telephone conversations, food in your hands, kids crying in the backseat, and any other distractions lead to serious risks while your driving. One of the main things you can do to prevent trouble on the road is to reduce any and all distractions.
Whether you drive to work or to run errands, you’re probably on the road most days. Protect your own safety and that of others on the road by reviewing these reminders before you drive.