Facts About Hidden Vehicle Damage After Rear-End Collisions
Almost half of all traffic accidents are rear-end collisions. Some accident damage is clearly visible, such as a broken taillight or a dented bumper. Other damage can remain hidden until a more thorough inspection of the vehicle is conducted.
Buried Bumper Damage
Those familiar with the internal structure of vehicles, including people who work in auto body repair Denver CO, understand where to look for hidden damage. One of those areas is the bumper.
The purpose of a bumper is to prevent or lessen the damage to the front or back of the vehicle. It can be made of many types of material, but underneath the bumper is material designed to absorb the energy created during an accident.
Even if the bumper appears to have minor or no damage on the surface, there can be significant damage underneath. When impaired, the material is no longer able to absorb energy from future accidents and could result in more severe damage.
A Bent Frame
Damage to the bumper can also result in damage to the vehicle frame. The frame can be bent, even in minor accidents, and that damage is not visible to the naked eye. Inspection of the structure by trained professionals is important to determine any underlying damage.
A bent frame may not be able to hold up to future accidents, particularly high-impact collisions. Safety features such as airbags, cameras and warning sensors may malfunction as well since they rely on alignment.
Loose Wires and Troublesome Trunks
Any type of collision may cause electrical wires to loosen, resulting in limited battery life and malfunctioning speakers and rear operating lights. The trunk may become difficult to open, or it may open up without warning. There is also a possibility that the trunk could lose its watertight seal or the ability to stay locked, potentially causing a myriad of other issues.
Vehicle safety is important to drivers and passengers alike. Professionals trained to find hidden damage after an accident can help preserve safety.